The 5 Best Ab Exercises for Women

For many women, achieving a lean midsection is no easy feat. Men and women’s muscles aren’t significantly different, but women tend to be wider through the pelvis and have a longer waist. This can make it challenging to get flat, firm abs.

But visible abdominal muscles aren’t impossible, but you might need to commit to doing more than standard sit-ups. The best abdominal exercises for women target four muscle groups in your core.

External Abdominal Obliques
The external obliques are the muscles in your sides that you can feel just beneath your arms, along your ribcage….Readmore


Torch Your Belly Fat in Less than 15 Minutes a Day

To burn away that belly fat, there are two things you need to do: blast the muscles and get your heart beating. Adding the right cardio/abs workout to your upper body and leg workouts is the smart way to get in shape–not to mention burn away those pounds around your midriff. With just 15 minutes of cardio/abs per day, you’ll be in great shape in no time!

Very Important: Do this 15 minute routine at full intensity (no rest, no pauses), and you’re guaranteed to give your body an amazing workout that will burn away the fat. Even if you don’t go all-out, it will still help to burn the fat–just not as quickly as it could….Readmore


Exercise During Menstruation

Staying in bed with the covers over your head might sound like a great idea during that time of the month.Butexercise is a healthier option. According to, 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercise helps relieve cramps, bloating, mood swings as well as other symptoms associated with menstruation and premenstrual syndrome, or PMS.

Aerobic Exercise
During menstruation, many women experience a drop in energy and enthusiasm — especially enthusiasm toward the gym. Instead of canning the gym for a week, perform your regular workout, such as running on a treadmill, with moderate intensity. Moderately intensive exercise can help alleviate cramps and reduce uncomfortable bloating. Physical activity also speeds up blood circulation, which may help relieve headaches associated with menstruation. Physical activity also lets loose feel-good hormones, which combats bad moods….Readmore

Best Stomach Flattening Exercises to Do at Home

There are countless exercise tools advertised on TV that claim to tone abs and flatten stomach muscles. Today’s advertising would make you believe that it is impossible to flatten your abs at home without the aid of these tools. Between ab rollers, exercise balls and electric toning belts, having a flat stomach can seem very expensive and difficult. If you are targeting the right areas, though, you can achieve a flat stomach in your own home.

Your stomach is made up of a grouping of abdominal muscles. The obliquus externus is the muscle you achieve to see separated into four quadrants if you are in shape. The transversus abdominis, another outer muscle, can be seen stretching around your sides of your stomach. Toning this muscle will avoid the “spare tire” look many individuals have around their stomachs….Readmore

10 Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep

After a long, stressful day at the office, it can be challenging to relax in the evening, and you may still feel too revved up at bedtime. While some people turn to a glass of wine or two to unwind, that can actually make it harder to get restful sleep. A vigorous workout can help ease stress, but if done too close to bedtime, you may have some trouble falling asleep. Although some styles of yoga (like Vinyasa yoga) can be considered vigorous and should be avoided before bedtime, practicing a few gentle, relaxation-inducing postures, along with deep breathing, can help ready you for a good night’s sleep. Keep a yoga mat rolled up by your bedside and spend about 20 minutes before bed performing these 10 poses to catch some truly restful zzzs….Readmore

Top 5 Yoga Poses To Increase Breast Size

According to research, almost all women are conscious about their breasts size. There are few women who are really satisfied with their bust size. Some want to increase their bust size, while others try hard to reduce the size. Women with small breasts suffer from inferiority complex for not having curvaceous big breasts. They go to any extent to achieve fuller bust. That is why, today so many creams, gels, oils and treatments are available to increase breast….Readmore

4 Minutes and 28 Days to a Changed Body

This is а chаllenge tested by mаny people in different world countries аnd the mаin goаl wаs to prove thаt it reаlly chаnges the body.

PLANK is the one of the most efficient bodyweight stаtic exercises for strengthening the core аnd the other pаrts too. You might think they аre simple аnd not efficient аnd often skip them, but they аre the most importаnt pаrt аctuаlly. You can melt the belly fat by these workouts, the back muscles (inner and out) too, and strаightened аnd the buttock muscles аlong with hаnd аnd leg muscles аre strengthened too….Readmore

How Females Get Six-Pack Abs? (Easy Steps)

Six-pack abs are a promise of magazine articles and supplement advertisements. But obtaining this coveted look isn’t as easy as performing a few extra crunches or drinking a protein shake. A perfect mix of a dedicated fitness routine, a precise diet and genetic gifts is what it takes for a woman to achieve six-pack abs.

Reduce Your Body Fat Percentage
For a woman to get six-pack abs, she needs to reduce her body fat to between 16 and 19 percent body fat. This is still a healthy body fat level (primarily for athletes), but far below what’s considered an average healthy range, which is 22 to 33 percent….Readmore

How Strength Training For Women Differs From Men

How Strength Training For Women Differs From Men Adults should strength train at least two times weekly. Advanced lifters should strength train up to six times each week, according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Weight-training recommendations don’t differ between men and women. However, men may have a slightly different response to strength training than women…..Readmore

5 Variations Of The Body-Weight Squat

If you had to choose just one exercise to help clients improve strength, power and core stability all in one move, you’d probably choose the squat. That’s why many consider the squat to be the king of all exercise moves. In addition to working the quadriceps, a proper squat recruits muscle fibers from the hamstrings and glutes. It also forces the core to engage and the upper body to stabilize, making it a nearly total-body exercise.

There are numerous variations of the basic squat, which you can use with your clients to recruit different muscles and help stave off boredom. In addition to the basic body-weight squat, here are five squat variations to add to your exercise arsenal.


Before trying variations of the squat, help your clients master this exercise using only their own body weight…..Readmore